Hey dolls!!
Yes you heard right?? something new we are doing. We are making custom made shreddies for YOU!
If you have no idea what a shreddie is, well just take a look at our site:
Supadupavtg and click on Press!!
You will see all the shredded tees that have been featured on celebs, bloggers, and mags!
Our shredded tees are all made by hand and made to order. Spring is on its way and we would like for you to have a shredded tee that you will LOVE! why not make your own?
HOW TO ORDER:basically just email us at: sales@supadupavtg.com
and you will tell us what style of shreddie you will like. Be as specific as possible (details). We will only make it shredded for you, we cannot add any decorations.
Details we would need: size, color, style (thats it) :)
After you let us know. We will send you an invoice back with a quote! Only terms we are accepting are through
We ship DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL :) and if you would like a vintage BAND shredded tee, please let us know specific band! and you will also receive a FREE TOTE BAG with any CUSTOM MADE SHREDDED PURCHASE!TEES will be ranging from
$40-85EMAIL US NOW! GO ;)